Comprehensive coverage for you, your passengers, and your vehicle when traveling in Mexico.
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Most U.S. auto insurance policies are not valid in Mexico, but you can obtain a short-term Mexican Auto Insurance policy from Wescom's trusted, top-rated partners.
Wescom works with a variety of Mexican insurance programs to allow you to choose coverage that best meets your needs. For your protection, each company that we represent is either A-rated and/or have a parent company in the USA with an A-rating.
Choose from the following for the coverage that best matches your travel plans.
To increase your protection, you can also choose one of the following programs.
To purchase and print your policy within minutes, get your quote now.
Questions? To speak with a licensed agent, call 1-877-774-2868.
Insurance services offered through Wescom Credit Union, CA Ins Lic #0D64850