As soon as the funds post to your account, you’ll be able to withdraw cash, pay bills, transfer funds and more. This includes funds that post from Direct Deposits, Payroll Deposits, Social Security, and other Government Payments. Here’s how we do it:
Your employer or payer processes deposits through their financial institution to the Federal Reserve with information that includes dollar amount and “settlement date” (when funds should post to your Wescom account).
The Federal Reserve sends files to Wescom to let us know that the payment is coming.
Wescom immediately deposits the funds into your account once we’re notified, making the funds available to you right away.
*Early access to your direct deposit of funds is not guaranteed and is dependent on the timing of notification by the payer. Wescom will post your direct deposit when notification is received, regardless of the settlement date. Wescom does not control when the notification is received.